Album Release Concert – Giantess at Constellation Chicago

On November 10th, Constellation Chicago’s Frequency Series presented my album release concert for my commercially released album Giantess.  Constellation Chicago is the premiere venue for new music in Chicago, and in fact it is the only venue in town that presents exclusively contemporary music.  I especially love the casual feel of the concert experience at Constellatiuon Chicago with the audience wrapped around the stage.  It feels almost like a larger version of playing for friends in my living room, complete with a glass of wine for guests at the end.  I was thrilled to have friends and family join me for this late night concert and to be able to share this music that I love so much with everyone.

I was especially grateful to the Illinois Arts Council who supported the concert and to respected arts writer Wynne Delacoma who wrote this wonderful review of the concert.  I was so thrilled to see the individual pieces written about with such eloquence.  Chicago musicians have always appreciated the musical expertise of Wynne’s writing.

Here’s a snapshot of the evening as captured by the wonderful Forestt Strong Lafave.  I’d love for you to check out the album Giantess now available on all streaming platforms and sellers everywhere!  (Innova 043)

Performing Misook Kim’s Amazing Grace and Valerie Coleman’s Wish Sonatine with my esteemed Wheaton College colleague Daniel Paul Horn.

Performing Carter Pann’s Melodies for Robert with Paula Kosower, cello, and Jennifer Blyth, piano.  Lush, free, and beautiful playing and writing.

Performing Shulamit Ran’s Birds of Paradise and Carter Pann’s Giantess and Double Espresso with Kuang-Hao Huang, three tons of piano playing for my wonderful partner.


Below, performing Augusta Read Thomas’ Plea for Peace with string quartet: Elizabeth Brausa Brathwaite, Kate Carter, Dominic Johnson, and Paula Kosower.  Such gorgeous playing that brought the profoundly expressive yet transparent quality of this piece to the stage.

Carter Pann talks about working together in an impromptu chat with the audience.  I am certain that I will forever consider this to be one of my most meaningful and fun professional projects.

Launching into Double Espresso… and thinking about that high E I’ll hit at the end!